Now that I have shared an introductory post on Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT), I wanted to share a bit about my mindset and how I have approached my life up to this point.

One of the things that has been most important to me over the years has been striving for growth.  This doesn’t mean that I’ve never been content with where I am in the moment, or haven’t taken the easy way.  But what it does mean is that being content or taking the easy way doesn’t last especially long.  I am in a nearly constant state of self-reflection, learning, striving… I examine my thoughts and feelings and try to determine where they first originated, how they are impacting my life in the moment, how they are impacting others around me.  I certainly have blind spots and have been very blessed to have those in my life who have been willing to give me feedback in an area I may have resistance to seeing clearly, but in many cases I have directly asked for that feedback.  I WANT to know how others view me, not from a vain or self-conscious perspective, but rather because it gives me a much larger perspective than I have on my own and allows me to more fully examine and integrate aspects of myself that I may be less proud of.  I want to know when I have hurt or disappointed others so that I can hopefully avoid doing so again in the future, and learn and grow from the experience at the same time. To me this is normal and natural.  In fact, striving for growth has been such a big theme in my life that I have a tattoo of a vine winding its way up my forearm.  So, it was not surprising at all that growth was one of the themes that emerged during a QHHT session.  Below is an excerpt from that session, with a larger excerpt including thoughts on the creation of the universe available on The Truth About Love.  “SJ” refers to statements made by my Higher Self, and “SK” refers to Scott Kegler, the QHHT practitioner.

SJ:  There is a limiting nature to physical form.  Spirit understands because there is no limitations on the awareness, but spirit doesn’t ask the question because they already know. 

SK:  So physical forms then ask the questions?

SJ:  Right, there’s a process of trying to understand the order of things.  Part of that comes from fear, uncertainty…you know, “If I understand the way things work, then I can be comfortable.”  But the purpose of life is to be uncomfortable because it’s through discomfort that we push ourselves and we grow and develop.  If we truly were comfortable we wouldn’t feel the need to do any of that. And the physical form is limiting, but there’s a reason for that.  

SK: What’s the reason?

SJ:  So that they will be uncomfortable…

SK:  So that we’ll be uncomfortable and it will force us to grow and learn?

SJ:  There will always be an understanding that there is information that is not readily available to us and when you strive for that information in that is what defines life purpose.  

SK:  Striving for information that is unknown helps to define life purpose?

SJ:  Mmmm hmmm.

SK:  It really is the life purpose, the purpose of that spirit coming into form?

SJ:  Ultimately the purpose of a life is to just be and to experience and to grow and to add to the collective understanding and vibration of all that is.  Having doubts or not having all the answers that one might want to have causes a need to strive and understand and have experiences that add to that knowledge.  And that’s what a life is – is having experiences. And so if all of the information is provided easily there would be no need to have experiences and therefore no need to be alive in the first place.  

SK:  That’s amazing.

SJ:  It is pretty cool [laughter]. So much suffering happens because humans aren’t willing to surrender to that process, and while the fear and the discomfort is necessary in order to push for growth and understanding, when that (the fear and discomfort) becomes the primary focus, the growth and understanding doesn’t happen.  And so there needs to be a balance of allowing in a discomfort but moving through it and seeking to get past it. You’ll never get past all the discomfort while you’re physically alive, but the process of moving through it is a process of evolution of the spirit. And for those that get stuck in fear and the uncertainty, they’re not allowing themselves to move forward through the experience and they’re causing more suffering than is necessary.  And they look to God or whatever constructs they have to ask “Why are you causing this suffering of my life?” because they’re not willing to see that they have responsibility for that themselves.  

SK:  Are they creating their own illusion of suffering?

SJ:  Oh, absolutely.  It’s coming from their fear of change.  If they can surrender to the inevitable change of life it would be much less suffering. 

SK:  What does it look like to surrender to the inevitable change of life?

SJ:  Look at nature.  You can try to stop a vine from growing, but it will find every possible way, every little crack and crevice and any little sliver of light to seek and grow.. it doesn’t question “Why did these people put these rocks here?  Why did they try to stop me?” It just keeps growing. It adapts and evolves as necessary to keep itself growing and alive. Because nature isn’t willing to be easily tamed or confined.  

SK:  And so if we as humans adopt that mentality of relentless growing toward the light, reaching for the light, regardless of what’s happening, if we adopt the attitude of the vine…

SJ:  It’s all a choice.  The beauty of nature is that there’s not the same ego mind that gets involved and thwarts the process. 

SK:  What’s the purpose of our minds and how could we use our conscious minds more effectively?

SJ:  There’s beauty in the growth of all things.  For nature, like plants and things like that, there’s a simplicity to it.  And it raises the vibration of everything to a degree. But there’s a limit to that because it’s only through meeting challenge and hardship that true growth happens.  And the challenges of the mind are to inhibit growth in a way, not to prevent it from happening, but to make it necessary to make conscious choice to move beyond that. And THAT is what raises the vibration. Any time there is a conscious choice made to bring love or beauty it raises the vibration even higher.  A plant doesn’t make a conscious choice. It instinctively reaches towards the light or to the water and so it’s fulfilling its purpose but it’s not pushing evolution of all life because it doesn’t have a choice, whereas a human and some animals and other lifeforms in the multiple galaxies in the universe, there are choices that are available. It’s through choosing kindness, choosing love, choosing growth that everything is able to shift.  The consciousness of everything raises.  

SK:  Why is it important to choose love, kindness and raise vibration?  Why does it matter?

SJ:  The universe itself is going through a process of growth.  It’s not clear if there’s an end goal, it’s an experiment in a way.  It’s really hard to describe. An analogy would be giving children some toys and playthings and some of them are poorly made and will break easily.  Some of them are a much more intuitive design and will last for a long time. Some of them might inflict harm in some way – stepping on them or using them in a way that wasn’t intended. While others are relatively safe and giving these toys to these children is a process of watching what happens with them.  Do they discard the ones over time that are not as intuitive designed or cause harm? Do they gravitate towards those that are a higher quality or have more of a purpose? And then observing everything that happens and giving some nudges as that parent along the way. “That one is hurting you, maybe that’s something to stop using or to let go of.”  It’s like that’s happening on a universal scale. Life began and some aspects of the universe and some life forms were more evolved to begin with than others and the universe is observing everything that happens within it with all these life forms and just noticing the inclination over time to grow and develop and discard that which no longer serves or causes harm in order to value that which is more intrinsically beautifully and loving and positive.  Negativity is not a bad thing. There’s an inclination to seek and strive for the positive at the expense of the negative, but that’s truly impossible. The negative is a learning tool. When someone tries to discard the negative, they actually stay stuck in it much more so than if they accepted it and allowed it to integrate into their lives. It’s impossible to appreciate the beauty of something without having something else to contrast it with.  

SK:  You can’t have light without the darkness.

SJ:  Mmmm hmmm.  And so the universe is just going through this growth and evolution along with every single being that’s a part of it because it is all One.  And, there’s a sense that it goes on forever, but the evolution keeps building and building and building. It’s not clear if it just all ceases to exist once that culmination has finally happened, but each aspect of the galaxy and the universe is on a different trajectory and on a different point in development, and as one planet or galaxy or set of beings achieves a higher level of evolution they are then able to assist those that are not as far along that path.