Welcome to the blog!  This is the first official entry and it is not even about what I do or what led to the creation of Divine Harmonies.  What it is, though, is some life changing stuff!

Back in May I saw a post online about Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique sessions (QHHT) being offered in South Jersey as a part of an apprenticeship.  I immediately reached out to sign up, and was so excited to see what it was about.  In a nutshell (and in my own words.. so hopefully I’m doing the technique justice), QHHT is a process of inducing a deep state of relaxation, guiding the client to memories from their current or past/future lives that have some helpful insights or information to share, and finally, starting a dialogue directly with the client’s Higher Self to ask questions that the client has formulated in advance.  Essentially the client is answering their own questions while the QHHT practitioner gives some prompts to help clarify or get additional information, as well as holding space and facilitating the process in general.

Imagine for a moment, that everything you have ever experienced has been stored.  Not in “the cloud”, but in your own unconscious.  Now imagine that the unconscious of every single being is pooled together in the Collective Unconscious (see the work of Carl Jung).  Finally, imagine that in the relaxed state of hypnosis, when the rational, objective mind takes a back seat, all of this information becomes available to you.  Insights about your life up to that point and your life path, insights about the whole of creation, and everything in between.  It is absolutely amazing!  The strange thing about it all is that when the session is over, my experience after having done it twice was “Eh that was kinda cool” as opposed to being completely blown away.  And yet, when I think about the information that came through and how inspired I feel moving forward in my life, I wondered how I could feel sort of underwhelmed about it all.  I think the answer is that this is information that has been within me all along.  While some of the information might be new for me on a conscious level, it was possibly within my unconscious, and certainly the Collective Unconscious this whole time.  There’s a feeling of familiarity.  Really, this is my approach to therapy as well.  I follow the philosophy of humanistic psychology in that I believe the client has all the answers they need within themselves already.  The role of the therapist is not to provide the information, but facilitate the client accessing it from within… which sounds a lot like the role of the QHHT practitioner!

There’s a certain day job I have had for over a decade now, which, while it has a lot of meaning and value, has also felt fairly stagnant.  It is in an extremely negative and stressful environment, and I’ve just been wanting to leave for many years now.  The job has provided so much for my family, though, that I was scared to give up that security in pursuit of something less certain.  This is not a topic that came up during my first QHHT session, but I found that I had such a powerful shift in my outlook and ability to tolerate abuse towards others and things that are no longer in my best interest that I finally decided to leave that job and put much more of myself into starting this business/private practice.  It is so scary to take that leap of faith, but life is ultimately short and I am so inspired to see what may come when I follow my passion!

So while this post may not be about the modality I provide, or directly about this business, whatever connections I make and lives I am privileged to touch in this upcoming year are certainly due in large part to the QHHT sessions that inspired me to follow my heart!

To find out more about QHHT and Scott Kegler, the practitioner that I very highly recommend, please head over to www.TheTruthAboutLove.net